Spring registration is open

Spring registration is open

For information on player and team registration, click here.

Got players looking for spring teams updated Feb 18.  Click here

We have teams listed here who have signed up as of Feb 15 on our teams looking for players list.  If your team wants to get added, click that link and it will lead you to the form to complete and we'll get you posted.

General news

General news

Have someone wanting to become a referee?  Do you want to become a referee?  Click here to go to the NM Soccer Referee Association website with all the info you need to get certified.

Important items that will be a problem later that no one told you:

  • We will no longer reschedule games in the fall and spring season.  The city has removed goals at Arroyo del Oso and Lynnewood parks where we played those games and we have no other field options as the complex is filled with tournament play the two weeks after our fall season completes and three weeks after our spring seasons is complete.
  • In the fall, winter and spring season for Sunday a player may only play on one mens team, one women's team and one coed team.  You pay the registration fee for each team you play on.  The second team is not free.   Hence, a player may not play on two men's teams, two women's teams or two coed teams.  The summer rules are different. A player may play on a Sunday coed team and a Wednesday coed team.


Two Important League Rules on Game Time and Uniforms

Two Important League Rules on Game Time and Uniforms

Two important league rules.

First, game time is when your game is supposed to start.  Both teams are supposed to be dressed and checked in with the referee.  When each team has seven players, the...

Team Manager Notebook

Players/Teams Looking

Current Season Info

What if sprinklers come on at our city or school field?????


Important Links to Other Orgs

ASL Calendar of Events

New York Life

New York Life
New York Life

NM National Guard

NM National Guard
NM National Guard


New Mexico United

New Mexico United
New Mexico United


US Adult Soccer Assoc

US Adult Soccer Assoc
US Adult Soccer Assoc

United States Soccer Federation

United States Soccer Federation
United States Soccer Federation