I want to get on a soccer team!!!!

OK, then read this stuff below

I want to get on a soccer team!!!!

Even before first, go back to webpage and go down a couple of links and you'll see a posting of teams who are looking for players that might save you some time.......

First, here’s what we offer.  We are not a youth soccer league.  We are an adult soccer league. You must be at least 16 years old to play in ASL.

Fall and Spring Soccer:

In the fall and spring, we have three competitive divisions of men’s, women’s and coed soccer that play on Sundays.  Our Sunday games are played at the New Mexico Soccer tournament complex in Bernalillo.  Games are played at 9, 11, 1 and 3.  We've used some city fields in the past but the city has begun a program to remove the permanent goals from all the fields and we own our own 22 field soccer complex and can fit everything in at that location.

Sundays you can only play on one men’s team, one women’s team, and one coed team.  If you are a man, you can play on a men’s team and a coed team.  If you are a woman, you can play on a women’s team and a coed team.  The point being that for the fall and spring, you cannot play on two men’s teams, two women’s teams or two coed teams regardless of what someone told you.

Summer Soccer:

Go here for a description of our summer playing division.  Our games are pretty spread out over the week unlike the fall and spring when virtually everything is on Sundays.  Unlike the fall and spring, you can play on multiple coed teams since the coed and age bracket play is for fun, not for standings, in the summer.

Winter season:

We play a winter division at Kraemer Fields on Sundays.  So far we have women's and coed play because we haven't had a turnout from our men's teams.  We continue to offer a men's division but don't have enough interest for a viable competition.

All four seasons:

In order to be eligible to play, you need to register on a team, mening we don't assign you to a team.  Once you've been contacted by a team that will add you to their roster, the team manager will get you set up to get registered and pay your fees.  Don't go into our system and pay before you know you're being added to a roster.

Issues like practice, uniforms, and acceptable behavior vary from team to team.  The league does not issue you a uniform, shin guards, shoes, or a limousine to take you to your games.  All of that is something you deal with the team on.

A couple of hints.  First, bear in mind that everyone on the planet can see this information.  Hence, we’d recommend that you use a yahoo, gmail, or similar account rather than your work e-mail address.  Second, everyone will see your phone number as well.  So govern your actions accordingly.  If you don’t want someone to text you, say so, leave out your phone number, and we’ll post that on your listing and people will contact you by email only.

Believe it or not, a good number of people give us their information and then never respond to teams who contact them.  At the possible risk of stating the obvious, it increases your odds of getting on a team if you’ll actually respond to people even if it’s to thank them and tell them you’d prefer a different opportunity.  Also, we generally have a lot more men looking to join coed teams than we have coed teams looking for men.  At any given time, we can usually find a place for about 250 women because every coed and women’s team needs more women.  If you’re a goalkeeper, you can pretty much write your own contract because everyone needs a goalkeeper.  However, we’ll caution you that if you’ve never played goalkeeper before and say you will and the team then proceeds to lose their first game with you in goal by a 20-0 margin, the love affair between you and your new team may be short lived.

Click here for a link to our Survey Monkey form to collect your info.  Fill out the form and return to us and we’ll get you added to the list within 24 hours. 

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