ASL Appeals Information - Updated Effective August 1 2024

ASL Appeals Information - Updated Effective August 1 2024
Here’s how the protest process works in ASL. If you wish to have action taken because you believe you have unfairly been sent off for misconduct, this is the process you follow. You’re free to call and complain or e-mail and complain. However, filing a protest and appearing before the League Appeals and Disciplinary Committee is the only way you get action taken, as your peers review your case and make a decision.  Be aware the filing an appeal does not mean you automatically win and get your card overturned. For the fall and spring seasons, the following steps must be taken by 2 p.m., on Wednesday following a Sunday game.  For summer season, because we play games six days a week, the appeal just be filed by the close of business no later than three days after the game was played.  Effective August 1, 2024, Cautions are not appealable.  Only red cards can be appealed.  If a player is sent for receiving a second caution (persisting in misconduct) that type of red card is not appealable as it is an appeal of a caution. 
  • Submission of written appeal
  • Submission of $50 appeal fee

If these steps are not completed, you have not filed an appeal and there will not be a hearing.  The misconduct report will stand.  You do not need to see the referee report in order to file an appeal and the deadline will not be extended if the referee has not completed the game report by the appeals deadline.

Please note this important change adopted by the Executive Committee.  If a player is sent off, and that player refuses to leave and causes the game to be terminated, the league will not accept an appeal of the red card.  In addition, the player will receive an additional 3 game suspension beyond the original red card suspension and be fined $100 in addition to any fine levied for the red card.  The individual player's actions result in at least 21 other people not playing a game and we've reached our limit on the number of these events happening.

For the fall and spring seasons, the Appeals and Disciplinary Committee will convene an A&D Committee by Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday to review protests that have come in during the week. For the summer season, they will convene at 10 a.m. on Saturdays.  The Vice President oversees the hearings but will not vote at all. 
We will report on the results of the hearings on the web page posting of red card fines and suspensions, 
The appointment of the A&D Committee is spread to all teams in the League. Any team can have a representative in the pool of people we contact to convene a three member hearing panel each week.  


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