Information on fields for games and practice

Information on fields for games and practice

Updated July 2024

The Leagues use soccer fields under user permits with the City of Albuquerque and are members of the Southwest Youth Soccer Corporation, which contracts with the Tamaya Resources on behalf of the Santa Ana Tribe to reserve fields for Duke City Soccer League and ASL during fall and spring and tournament weekends.

Soccer Fields in the City of Albuquerque
The City of Albuquerque has a joint operating agreement with Albuquerque Public Schools to enable the City to schedule use of certain APS fields, generally elementary and middle school fields. It does not cover fields at high school fields.  However, APS is being increasingly difficult to deal with scheduling those fields and the future of that joint operating agreement is still in negotiation.  If you wish to use a high school field for practice, you have to arrange that directly with the school.  No private school fields such as Albuquerque Academy or Sandia Prep or Johnson field at UNM are part of the agreement between the City and APS.
Other than summer, we don't play games at City or APS fields.  If your team wishes to schedule practice fields during the week, please contact the office and we'll offer advice and we need to notify the city of your schedule.
It is against the law to bring alcohol to any city or school field. Two exceptions are Bullhead Park and Los Altos Park, both of which have softball facilities. It is also against the law to bring glass containers.  Also please note if you're using an APS school field, they prohibit pets on campus.  
All artifical turf fields at APS high schools are off limits and not available to rent.
The Santa Ana Tribal Complex is the location for the bulk of our fields. Directions and the field layouts can be found under the tab under Soccer Field Info. Alcohol and pets are prohibited at the complex.  Please leave your dogs and beer at home.
For the time being, we’re still dependent on portable toilets and you need to bring your own water.  With the change of ownership from us leasing the property to Tamaya Ventures managing it they have improvements under consturction on toilets and water facilities. 
Please note this change: every week, the field manager at the complex will survey the team areas after each game and report back on what teams left trash. We’ll send your team a nice little $25 bill for that, as we get to pay extra for trash pickup at the complex. As we can determine exactly who left the trash, we’ll use a direct funding approach at that location.

Important general information from the parks and rec department:

  • They have a manager on duty 7 days a week.  The phone number for that person is 505-224-6682.
  • It is the responsibility of the team to maintain order with such things as parking and trash pickup.  There is no magic trash fairy that comes at night and picks up the water bottles and dirty socks you left at the field.  
  • Practice does not mean full field scrimmage.
  • If there's a problem with the field you're at (sprinkler malfunction, holes, something in need of repair) call 311.  That really is the best way to get it to the right people.
  • If you've got a problem with sprinklers being on when reasonably they shouldn't be, call the city at 505-382-5926 and leave a message if there's no answer.  If it's an APS field, call them at 505-975-0077.  The city has built fields on school property so they are still a city field if the have the standard wooden sign with the field name, so call the city if you're got a problem on those fields, such as the baseball fields at Grant MS and the field with the running track at Desert Ridge MS.


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New Mexico State Soccer Association

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United State Adult Soccer Association

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United States Soccer Federation

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