How to get a practice location and rules for practice

The City of Albuquerque manages the park operation for city parks and certain school facilities, including elementary and middle school fields.  They do not handle high school fields or county fields or the Balloon Fiesta park.  If your team wishes to organize practices, please notify the league office with your team name, the city or school field, and the days of the week you wish to practice.  The player accident insurance and the liability insurance cover sancion practices and we're also required to provide the city a list of the teams who are sanctioned for practice as part of our filed use permit with the city.
When it comes to practice fields, we do not have enough fields to take care of everyone’s needs. Therefore, you’re going to be squeezed when it comes to finding space. You get to share. Don’t call the League to let us know someone is playing on “your” field. The youth and adult leagues are adding at least a hundred teams a year, and no one is adding parks. If that disturbs you, contact your city councilor or county commissioner. In the meantime, you get to share.
Do not practice in the goalmouth. Do not play full field scrimmages. Do not get in a fight with someone from another organization over the field. If that situation arises, call the League and we will take it up with the city and have a park monitor dispatched to deal with the situation. If a park monitor asks you who your team is, please treat the person with the same respect with which you expect to be treated. They have a job to do, too. And if you aren’t set up to be on that field, you’ll be asked to leave and get your field reservation in to the League. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. 


Albuquerque Sol


New Mexico State Soccer Association

New Mexico State Soccer Association

United State Adult Soccer Association

United States Soccer Federation