How do I get Scheduled for Games

You must have a contract executed with ASL before being assigned games. Those contracts are available under the Referee Information folder on the Leagues’ website, in English and Spanish. The contract establishes a few simple terms and conditions under which you provide services to the League. You can return the contract to Bill Albert or to the League office.  As soon as we receive it, you are eligible to contact Bill and begin to be scheduled for games. We also post a current list of people who have completed contracts for those of you with short memories.  If you refuse to provide a social security number, we withhold 20% of your pay just like the IRS tells us to and you can get it back from the President in your next tax filing.

ASL uses an online web-based program from Arbiter for referee scheduling.  The first thing you will need to do is to contact our referee scheduler, Bill Albert, to set up an account in Arbiter. You can contact him at or by phone at 797-8591. After Bill has set up your account, you are then able to self-assign to a certain extent.  Men’s premier and first division games require Bill to allow you access to those divisions to keep you from making your first game a big mistake ending up at the top level.

Please note this.  The scheduling of referee assignments is done through arbiter.  Submitting your report after the game is done through the Albuquerque Soccer League web page.  Arbiter offers a game report link.  DO NOT REPORT YOUR GAMES THROUGH ARBITER.  They’ll never show up on the ASL system.


Albuquerque Sol


New Mexico State Soccer Association

United State Adult Soccer Association

United States Soccer Federation